Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Alabaster Asunder

Two weeks ago I returned from a respite in Chicago to attend mandatory training for my work, this involved viewing videos and frequenting lectures - the same which I have for over ten years. Outswimming ennui was achieved by my recalling and noting each of the 50-odd books I have completed this year. Such was a marvelous exercise which opportuned a return to many enjoyable reads and situations. Topping my list were a pair of Russian epics: War and Peace and Grossman's Life and Fate: the latter decidedly modelled upon the former. Grossman's weaving of Stalingrad with the parallel perils of Stalinism and the Final Solution was achieved with daunting verve. As for Tolstoy, who could belittle such sound, titanic gestures? Who can argue with Gorky who said of the relationship between Lev and God as being two large bears in a small cave?
Though humbled in rank, I often empathize with Pierre. Who doesn't long for transcendence when one's material wants are sated? I doubt I shall ever be a Freemason nor should I ponder lenscrafting. It appears that few dogmas can fit over my swollen, mistrusting head. Within my soul, Hope and Cynicism devour one another more out of integrity than sport.
Fortune again favored me a week ago as i found a copy of Grossman's other book in English, Forever Flowing at a thrift store for twenty cents. This indictment of the Gulag system and Lenin, above all, has been characterized as the entire Gulag Archepeligo in two hundred pages. I must heartily, and humbily, concur.


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