Friday, February 11, 2005

Little Purchase

The wheels of progress fell akimbo as I didn't manage that much in the Foote. The scene remains Fredericksburg and its early stages were of an urban nature. Its proximity to Rappahandock strikes me as being similar to Stalingrad as well a host of other solemn grounds. I remarked to N last night that I am amazed by the acidic tone of language that the armies use to describe their former countrymen. It is so easy to villify and thus destroy: N replied that we all have to keep our inner-Goebbels in-check.

I read a few pieces in the Oxford American over dinner and remain impressed by its research but find much of the submitted fiction to be average. The weekend has arrived and hopefull I will cut across the text.


Blogger edward parish said...

As you know,I have traveled quite a bit. One of the most moving vacation spots, was a trip to the Battlefield at Vicksburg. For me, until someone goes to one of these National Cemeteries for the Civil War, one cannot grasp the amount of death.

8:15 AM  
Blogger The New Albanian said...

When visiting Petersburg as a boy, I had the same sort of pervasive but vague feeling about death and the war, but I didn't make the connection until I was older and could understand that Petersburg was in fact the dress rehearsal for WWI. Last year while riding near Ieper, I thought of the Crater and life in the trenches.

8:42 AM  

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