Monday, December 11, 2006

No Shortage of Sighs

I bought the Iraq Study Group Report yesterday and I found myself frustrated to an intense degree. Given the authors, I imagined that the reasoning would be cogent and that balme would be dispensed to characterize the reasons behind the present hellish failure. I was mistaken. The only blame charted is towards that of the Iraqis themselves. Abu Graib the sweep missions and the unchecked support for the IDF this past summer are not given much more than brief mantion but the failure of centralized Iraqi Oil Commission and the lackluster embrace of Iraq's citizens to create their own destiny is repeated, supposedly so that the authorsd will believe it eventually. I'm sorry, but when a fellow straps on explosives, he's very involved in his own destiny. Why - STILL - is this so prolific? These questions are avoided as is - gasp - the possibility of an independant Kurdish state. we wouldn't to upset Turkey. It doesn't matter that Iraqi flags were removed from all state offices in the Kurdish region almost half a year ago.

I should return to the Pynchon and calm down.


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