Sunday, June 03, 2007

Dearth of Deed

I suppose I should be more excited about the Powell. I have made it p. 90 and I am enchanted ye the magnitude of this project is still beyond me, much like the ominous fog of the novel's opening pages. perhaps the sheer weight of the enterprise has yet to made material. I am likely full of shit. It has been an engaging day, ever so stimulated by the laden Summer Reading issue of the NYTBR.
I am quite eager to read the new McEwan and Rick Moody. I wasn't sure if I would ever want to read Moody again. I am not quite Dale Peck but I have been wary as of late -- the last five years or so. I also decided that I am not going to buy the new Gunter Grass, there is much to be troubled about that publication. The review of the Amis bio was well received, though I fear the author and the reviewer are mistaken in anticipating a renaissance of Kingsley.


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