Sunday, December 30, 2007

Well, Then

I finished Omega Minor last night , only hours after I mailed another copy to my sister-in-law Tihana in Berlin. I felt ultimately cheated by the novel's achievement, its lurid detail only emphasizing the under-developed reconciliation of fascism with memory or history. The book readily raided the stock sources on both the Reich and the Camps: this is then explained as being edgy. Fuck.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been reading some from Judt's tomb Postwar. Dear lord how much death and destruction can one continent endure? The figures from Greece of loss of life and manmade items set me back in my chair, not realizing what I did not know of that part of the war.

Ka is in the middle of conflict in Snow. What a grand tale, hopefully placed upon film someday.

Will try and meet up with Lloyd tommorrow for a pint or two around lunch at Buckheads if you desire to join. Social quaffing, not a session I assure you. Please try and make it....

9:45 PM  

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