Friday, May 20, 2005

With a Buzz

There is a vibration of change underfoot, nothing miraculous, but rather the terminal velocity that signifies that several fo th works I have begun reading in recent days will be completed quite soon and the impending effect defies easy characterization. member of the Wedding has been enjoyed but i see its fruition as a stageplay. McCullers is a titan. Her sense of shadow and scent is enormous and marvelous in its reflection of the tangled frustration of human experience.

Resurrection by Tolstoy lacks the critical distance so often by achieved by Tolstoy. There appears to be a loosening of my grip on russian letters these days though, that as well, is likely temporary.

I need to give Ed his proper due for the sticky filiments of association and endorsement. It wa shis solo venture into the works of Wallace Stegner and his timely loan of Angle of Respose which led me to slither into its pages. I must admit that for years I thought it was ANGEL of Repose. I find this admixture of Edith Wharton and the Wild West to be intoxicating. Let us hope that the clear days ahead signal a simmering of sources in my brainsac.


Blogger edward parish said...

Glad you enjoy Stegner.

8:30 AM  

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