Tuesday, May 08, 2007

New Post

It has been an odd, elongated day. I awoke early to go vote, the process was punctuated by a geezer behind me in the queue grumbling about the request for his ID. Fortified by espresso I would have been snide as I escaped if such were the case but alas, instead, I gave him my incredulous stare.

A few hours lated the espresso was divine and I read hungrily about the May Day of 1990 in the Red Square. I read of a burgeoning oligarch who bought Nabokov's childhood home. I thought about Bach and second-guessed Yeltsin. The day proceeded with a flurry of stunning work concepts and the hopes, this evening, for peace and aesthetics. I am listening to Wayne Shorter. I may go to the bistro for a pint when the polls close. I will buy salad and tonight we will view Godard.


Blogger edward parish said...

jekThanks much for the Supa Crema, conversation and laughs. So good to see; you, Bluegill, Lloyd and Roger (doing his best impression of Jamie Hyneman, sporting his down brim fedora) and of coarse Roger’s bride. I have reached that point of why do local elections count, something I thought would never happen. There was NO candidate for Mayor that gained my vote or respect. What a shame for such a city that has so much to offer but ate up with the good ol’ boy club it is sickening. Some day I’ll move away and hopefully it will all change for the better of the community. Hopefully.

8:27 PM  

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