Friday, July 04, 2008

Being Bjork

Not to be confused with Bejing Bjork, which would divulge our collective contradictions, alas I will wait for the film adaptation of the Kite Runner of Tibet and then likely ignore that as well. It is so good to be moral.

I am tired. I have been busy and this may be one of the last postings ever from Vincennes Street. I left Quicksilver on the porch at the new house early in the week and then read a short biography of William III. It was penned in the 50s and some of the extrapolations between W's Glorious Revolution and the then current Cold War environment appear somewhat forced with some historical hindsight, though the partisan hiring procedures of the CPA in Iraq have a historical linkage to the abortive measures employed by James II.

I have since been bitten by the ague of Flashman. It isn't fair to suggest that it is great literature but edifying and hilarious without a doubt. This vein may continue through the holiday weekend.


Blogger edward parish said...

I have been bitten by Redemption Falls. It is fair to suggest that it IS great literature.

Viewed the Caine/Demi film Flawless this evening thanks to Wild And Wooly Video; brillant story line and directing job of huge actors. Most worthy rental.

Loving the new Coldplay CD.

9:50 PM  

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