Wednesday, September 09, 2009


Such is the location of this year's EuroBasket, thus its been on my mind a good deal. Kapuscinski was a native son and while I have been rabid about his prose, his heart and vision have always been sources of inspiration. That was the case with Travels With Herodotus, which I finished last week following his premise that if life was governed by reason, then there wouldn't likely be a need for a discipline like history. Looking back at his first foreign assignments and also recognizing, conversely, that he was approaching the final years of his life, the refracted wisdom united carefully from experiences is an artisan craft, one which Kapuscinski achieves with verve.

My next foray proved to be into Bleak House, something I was considering for winter or a lengthy holiday. The pages have greeted me warmly. Dickens creates for the reader a visage, he's a trusted old friend and he's returned to entertain. I am at p. 205 or so and the strands of plot are lucid, but quite distinct.

Samizdat plugs along and I have made it to Hitler being elected Reich Chancellor in the Evans. I will need to order the second volume on Friday.


Blogger the feral professor said...

Let us not make that simple though untoward mistake -- Hitler was not elected Reich Chancellor, despite the shudder of the 1932 presidential election he never won a single election. Mean gruel and cold comfort to be sure but nonetheless a distinction to be made. Particularly in light of the Gray political tract, Black Mass, and the astoundingly simple notion that people can choose tyranny as well as freedom, all too true, but we should be sure that they are choosing it.

5:44 PM  

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