Sunday, January 09, 2005

Cautious Overcrowding

Whereas I had been searching for portable texts to occupy for the remainder of my holiday it now appears as if i have slipped into a barge-heavy stream of commitment. I began reading Evelyn Waugh's Men at Arms yesterday just before the Cavs-Knicks tipped off and was thoroughly impressed with the opening scenes in Italy, the expatriated and the posh amidst the ruins. Given that I am practically Guy Crouchback's age, perhaps I will seek more than is at hand. My friend joel recently completed the Waugh Trilogy and I had been somewhat eager to begin. Perhaps my timing was imprecise, I don't know. My wife wants me to begin Magic Mountain with her soon and my friends were poised to begin Cloud Atlas, though that has lapsed into uncertainty as of this a.m. As I have already read the Mitchell, it wouldn't be a bother to have to play catch-up, but i will be occupied nonetheless. Even with that daunting scheme before me, it would an omission to not mention Shelby Foote and the remaining 2200 pages of his Narrative. My wife and I are going to Perryville next Sunday for a walkabout, hoping to read Mann on that field, much as i enjoyed reading The Sound and The Fury last January in London.


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