Wednesday, December 28, 2005

No Justice

I finished Where Dead Voices Gather by Nick Tosches this afternoon. I had more issues with this text than any other bydeft stylist. I was reading deep into last night, when I took out Carter Family disc I bought myself recently and replaced it with an early Gilian welch (my wife rose from her slumber and deadpanned, there she is again, my rival.) Tosches assumes a nod that the cathartic of song has beenw ith us eternally, like some airborne Dutchman, yet the idea of minstrelcy is being vilified by sentimentalists and academics who don't understand anything. I was not impressed. There may not be anything scientific about race as a designation, Tosches proudly points to research in that regard. There still is a concept of human history, and, no, no one alive withstood slavery. That doesn't mean that such and all its subsequent hooror has not had an implacable effect upon people of color.

Tosches needs to cease his incessant blowing of Dylan as well. It isn't becoming. cheers.


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