Sunday, August 21, 2005

Jabbo Smith

That's who is playing just now, remarkable stuff, though more folk-driven than his rival Pops. I shouldn't stress that with any authority, as I have none in such matters. Though there does appear to be trappings of an almost country refrain some of Jabbo's music, something i haven't found in my meager collection of the Hot Fives and Sevens. It is a good morning , but not as miraculous as yesterday. I read on the porch for a while and continue to be impressed by Kellman's superb biograhy of Henry Roth, though I have noted an ostentacious use of unrelated data, like the notation of a tornado which struck St. Louis in 1905 (I believe) one year befor Roth's father visited the city. My reading was interrupted by a surprise visit by Lloyd, and a good time was had, despite the humidity.

I read more in the afternoon, at the cinema, as my wife and I waited to see Broken Flowers. I see that the Roth bio has a 2 page review in the Times Book Review today, though I am reluctant to read it, though it isn't as if it will spoil the ending or anything.


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