Thursday, December 29, 2005


Singing out loud
Originally uploaded by Mike from Zurich.
See, my son, time here turns into space. -- Richard Wagner, Parsifal

Into this wild abyss the wary fiend
Stood on the brink of hell and looked a while,
Pondering his voyage. . .
Milton, Pardise Lost, Book II

This week has been but an envelope of time, with the space occuring inuslar angle of approach. It is a week of whispers and fiendish self-questioing. I read The Films of My Life by Alberto Fuguet yesterday. Fuguet is one of the leading representitives of McOndo ( a pun on the mythic region of Garcia Marquez's Cien Anos) which is known for being hyperviolent, bilingual and self-referential. The book started strong, noting the mindest of the seismologist protagonist. It has an unconvincing turn and then the subsequent narrative appeared under-developed. That said, I remainc urious about this contemporary movement. I am unsure where to proceed next. The Pullman books were rec'd from the library but I don't think I can stomach fantasy, even erudite attempts. Who Knows.


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