Tuesday, September 18, 2007

As Noted

Just as Ed stated, we likely should have read The Echo Maker on samizdat; he is our author, we read two of his books as a group and Joel and I have read a few others in tandem. I must admit to a reluctance to approach this one. Despite the awards, despite the reviews. Scars linger, just ask Hilary, and my many doubts bubbled to the fore, one person once told me that Powers was a pseud and that it reflected bad upon me to favor him as I do. Funny, that.

I am only 25 pages in and the tropes are all familiar, the displaced, not by death of aptitude but because this whole construct is contrary to our humanity, this midwestern zone -- titled by the late Tristan Egolf as the Honky Tundra - leaves the naturalist, the musician and the software engineer equally estranged. Eh, ennui, how french. Ed cited the finesse employed by Powers in using a female protagonist, I agree, quite early in the book and also implore him to read Gain, where much to Roger's chagrin, his characterization of the contemporary suburban single mother is a marvel.

I do appreciate the blending of the rural images and neuroscience. i do find more comfort in this than when McEwan used a neurosurgeon to establish the rationale agon the emotional as a justification for war.

I read more of the new Believer today and just as the last issue prompted my interest in The Wire, this current issue has a fascinating article about Thomas McGuaine, an author who I know of and own books by, but have never read: like so many, I'm afraid.


Blogger edward parish said...

O' Mr. McEwan, what a chap. After the text I passed your way, I realized just how much he has grown as a writer in his story lines and abilities to make a deeper novel.

Others may have stayed the coarse and made a career of the same stories. McEwan, in fact has stepped up his game to the next level with each new novel.

As I have stated before, you know which book of his is one of my favorite novels I have had the pleasure of reading in my lifetime.


9:56 PM  

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