Monday, September 17, 2007

The Mind's Mildew

Alas, I am home today. A slight fever and an opaque head left me struggling for sleep all night and i spent the morning in bed gleaning dreams in draughts. I was thinking about E.M. Ciroin, about how Joel once bought me a book of his. Was that 15 years ago? I think he also bought me the Collected Letters of Karl Marx. All of that poetic theory has been abandoned on the beach, the foamy rocks of my memory. I miss J Barry -- his asides to his own agendas: I wonder what he is writing now.

It was about two years ago (or was it three) when I read Tale of Two Cities in Chicago. I believe that Joel read it as well but Roger didn't. Despite all of its convenient coincidence, I really liked that book. It is too easy to lose oneself in the pondering of books read prior, I cannot decide as Melville's Bartleby that I prefer not to.

I started the Echo Maker and I like it but I am quite shaken with my ambitions presently. The floundering of Tree of Smoke left me bruised.

I believe that my wife is going to buy me Fiasco for our anniversary, an interesting twist, or so I believe. I should read more of the Broch but can't find energy. Its all misplaced. Perhaps like Waugh's unfortunate, I'll be forced to spend my days reading Dickens aloud.


Blogger edward parish said...

Keep posting on your opinion of the Echo Maker.For me I found it a work of labor for the author in his own style of writing it from a femmes perspective.

Terri Gross knew the secrect of the novel while interviewing the author and did one helluva job not letting the bird from the cage so to speak.

We should have read this on SAMIZDAT!

9:00 PM  

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